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Too scary to ride...

Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 10:16 pm
by Terry
Thought I'd go for a little putt today and the route I took, N/NE, the wind was at my left rear or completely behind me 8) but when I turned south on I-5 near Tracy, for what I thought would be a quick 26 miles to Patterson to turn west onto some nice two lanes I've heard about towards "The Junction" and some more two lane roads I knew were OK, I couldn't believe the blast from the right side! :shock: I was pushed across both southbound lanes like I was on ice! Real scary! I crawled to the next off ramp where the wind had to be gusting to 50 mph easy! The kind of wind that turns over trailers and lifts camper shells off. :shock:

After a wait and no let up, I returned to 580 west just a couple miles back and nearly didn't make it. Never been so slow on a freeway before, even trucks were passing me and when they did the bike got even more upset. Almost lost it a couple of times, no kidding. Turning due west the wind was coming right at me and was much easier to ride than when it was against the side of the bike. I've been in great winds before, once over a pass from Montana into Idaho that was scary but never like this. This is the first time I've ever had to head back before I was ready to.

Will have to try this again, maybe tomorrow if the wind dies down.


Posted: Sat May 24, 2003 10:32 pm
by sr71cbx

They call 'em "delta breezes" .................although the term "breeze" is used loosely. :) 8) I recall going up the Grapevine north to the at Buttonwillow Racetrack in Oct.2000,and it was blowing so bad going north that I was showing 6 psi boost going DOWN a 6% grade!That's WINDY!!! :shock: ----Sounds like you got your fair share today,was socked in all day down here,was 63 for a high after seeing 98 on Wed.!! 8)