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Stripped bolt hole.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:56 am
by steve murdoch icoa #5322
All the little snags that a medium-skilled, backyard mechanic like myself keep finding are slowing me to a snails pace. Okay, no more whining.
One of the engine front mount bolt holes in the frame is stripped.
Will a heli-coil be a strong enough solution?

Re: Stripped bolt hole.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:08 pm
by NobleHops
steve murdoch icoa #5322 wrote:All the little snags that a medium-skilled, backyard mechanic like myself keep finding are slowing me to a snails pace. Okay, no more whining.
One of the engine front mount bolt holes in the frame is stripped.
Will a heli-coil be a strong enough solution?
I repaired one of these with a Timesert and it worked perfectly and held the 28 or so lb ft of torque easily. I bought my buddy some extra inserts for loaning me this kit - for the price of shipping to and fro you can probably borrow it and use one of his inserts. This kits are ~$100+ or so as I recall.

PM me your address and I will ask him if he's up for that.

Pickup the repair photos (and captions) on page 13 of the gallery here: ... 4012_d7QpB

The kit:

Photo before:

Photo after:


Re: Stripped bolt hole.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:06 pm
by steve murdoch icoa #5322
Help like this keeps this site going strong.
Thanks, Nils.
The tap i used to try and clean it out was an M10x1.25. Correct?
pm sent.

Re: Stripped bolt hole.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:42 pm
by EMS
I think Nils is wasting his time and talents in the E-business. :roll: He should take up something more serious, that requires and enables him to use metal tools.... :D :D :D

Re: Stripped bolt hole.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:21 pm
by NobleHops
EMS wrote:I think Nils is wasting his time and talents in the E-business. :roll: He should take up something more serious, that requires and enables him to use metal tools.... :D :D :D
I am a tadpole in the pond with you guys mechanically, you kindly ignore the fact that this repair was necessitated by my ignorance and carelessness. But I'm learnin'. :-)


Re: Stripped bolt hole.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:25 pm
by NobleHops
steve murdoch icoa #5322 wrote:Help like this keeps this site going strong.
Thanks, Nils.
The tap i used to try and clean it out was an M10x1.25. Correct?
pm sent.
Yes, correct, that is indeed the size and pitch. Interestingly, I found myself reading about a member's drag bike a few minutes ago and he had notated in his service history the strip and repair of this very hole. I happen to know how mine was stripped <coughSIXTYPOUNDFEETcough>, but I wonder if this location is subject to more stress than others somehow.


Re: Stripped bolt hole.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:21 am
by Don
Heli-coils and the like actually give you much STRONGER threads than the originals . . . . especially in aluminum but also in steel too

The much larger threads that you tap into the hole to hold the heli-coil are significantly stronger than the original smaller ones that held the bolt and then the heli-coil itself is made of much better metal than the steel of the frame
