Seat Thickness.....

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Crazy Canuck
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Seat Thickness.....

Post by Crazy Canuck »

Hi all....It's been a while since I've been able to get back working on my bike, but I'm looking forward to making progress!
I think somewhere along my bikes path an owner has trimmed some of the foam out from the primary seat position. To me it looks like maybe
1 1/2" have been removed. I didn't know this while recovering the seat and only realized it when my butt got sore after 30 or so minutes of riding.
Can I ask those of you with a stock seat to take a measurement at about the halfway position on the seat to confirm the thickness....mine looks to be about 4"
Thanks, ForrestImage
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Forrest Miller :thumupp:

Honda CBX 1000- "A cosmic haymaker of a motorcycle" -Mr. Tadashi Kume

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