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Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:27 pm
by cross
Hi Guys,

I was helping friend with his newly acquired 81' CBX and cleaning carbs and ran into issue with one of the secondary main jets. All of jets were ridiculously tight but i was able to remove them carefully except one of the secondary main jets (the one that's nested deep in the hole). Top of the jet is so stripped that screw driver has nothing to grab on.
Any suggestions on removing it? Drilling or using small screw extractor but i'm afraid that brass may be too soft for that one

Thank you

Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:47 pm
by daves79x
OK - first of all, what are the carb numbers? Stock '81 should be VB64, which don't have 'secondary' main jets. If you found some 'jets' buried in a tower, then you don't have VB64 carbs (unless they are '82-spec VB64s and they have screw-in #35 pilot jets). If you found 2 sets of mains, then they are VB60 carbs from '79. If that's the case, then it's not the secondary main jet you found buried, it is the primary main jet's emulsion tubes. The ones you got out should be long and slim and have a bunch of holes.

All that said, yes you can drill out the one that's bad, carefully, and re-tap or clean out the threads. I can give you a new tube.

If all the above does not describe what you are doing, then please be more specific or post a pic and we'll see what you do have.


Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 6:57 pm
by cross
Hi Dave,

Carbs are off of 81 but they could be from 79 not sure. I think that they are same like on my 82. There are two jets (I think that's what they are) that i removed. One is removed with 8mm wrench and the other has small brass jet like looking on the top and slim long one below it. That slim long emulsion tube is the one i cannot get out.
I'll try this weekend to extract it if i can otherwise I'll have to drill it out which I'm not happy about
Thank you Dave

Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:09 pm
by tevan
There is a vb-- then a number on the side of your carbs. That will tell you for sure what year.

Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:34 pm
by cross
I'll take a look this weekend

Thank you

Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:47 am
by daves79x
You have '79 carbs for sure - VB60. No other year has the buried emulsion tubes. You don't HAVE to remove it. The circuit is usually able to be cleaned quite well with those in place.


Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:54 am
by tevan
daves79x wrote:You have '79 carbs for sure - VB60. No other year has the buried emulsion tubes. You don't HAVE to remove it. The circuit is usually able to be cleaned quite well with those in place.

Then his has the rubber plugs....

Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:36 pm
by cross
daves79x wrote:You have '79 carbs for sure - VB60. No other year has the buried emulsion tubes. You don't HAVE to remove it. The circuit is usually able to be cleaned quite well with those in place.

I've verified that the carbs are vb60. Not sure how but they are. I will definitely be needing that emulsion tube because my spare carb set doesn't have them.
So since carbs are off of 79, what size jets should it have? Bike is stock with exception of kerker 6-2 exhaust.
Another question is, I have spare set of carbs I bought from guy in Europe and they are stamped vb63. I found only one jet in them, the one that's removed with 8mm wrench and it is 110 size.
There is nothing in a hole where emulsion tube is on vb60 carb. Obviously all these carbs are inter changeable but do we have to make sure we have the correct jet sizes for the year of bike that we have?
Dave, if you are still up for sending me that emulsion tube please pm me your PayPal info so I can send you money for it and I'll give you my shipping address

Thank you

Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:38 am
by daves79x
Your VB 63 carbs are Euro-spec (and other markets) '80 carbs, I think. Only one main jet and it should be 110, as you said it is.

Now to your '79 carbs. You really should get a complete kit such as Randakk's or Mike Nixon's. They have everything you need and are top quality. The '79 carbs came stock with #65 primary mains (the ones above the buried emulsion tubes) and #98 secondary mains. I usually change out the #65 jets for #68. Genuine Keihin jets are available from PJ Motorsports (as well as genuine Keihin float valves). Keep the #98 jets. Remove the pressed-in #35 pilot jets and clean them. You can up them to #38, or not. Make sure you get new rubber plugs for the pressed-in jet tower - you should have seen them when you took the carbs apart. They HAVE to be there, and are included in the good kits I mentioned.

I'll send you an emulsion tube.


Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 11:27 am
by cross
We bought Randakk's master kit but I'll have to check what size jets it has. I'll look for Emulsion tube on PJ's web site.
How are VB63 performance/tuning wise compared to my VB64 if i install them on my '82? Any advantages/disadvantages that i should know about? I didn't see that they have rubber plugs but it seems that there is something pressed in where pugs should go.

Thank you very much


Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:17 pm
by daves79x
Randakk's kits don't come with any jets. The tower that the pressed-in #35 jets go in has to be plugged, preferably with the rubber plugs supplied. I would remove whatever is plugging them now - you have to anyway to remove the jets. No, no advantage to using the VB63 carbs.


Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:36 pm
by cross
daves79x wrote:Randakk's kits don't come with any jets. The tower that the pressed-in #35 jets go in has to be plugged, preferably with the rubber plugs supplied. I would remove whatever is plugging them now - you have to anyway to remove the jets. No, no advantage to using the VB63 carbs.

I guess i wrote it wrong, i meant to check carbs for Jet sizes that they have before ordering them.

Regards to my VB63's, are there disadvantages on using them instead of my VB64?
I can't get my choke to work properly as the choke link where you adjust the choke high idle is bent and i can't adjust it properly so i thought to clean these VB63's and use them instead. Should i use them or perhaps swap whole choke link?


Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:46 pm
by daves79x
VB63 will work fine on your bike, but I'd fiddle with the choke to get it right, if those carbs are otherwise good.


Re: Secondary main jet removal

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:12 pm
by cross
Carbs are good and i would like to keep them but ive taken them off so many times already and still cant get the choke right. It seems that someone before me tried to adjust something in the wring spot and things are bent a but.
Are you still up for selling me that jet holder that i cant get out? If so please semd me PM with amount and also where to send funds to
Thank you