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Switches for Right Hand side

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:58 am
by rheboi
Hi, recently I purchased new switches for both left and right hand side of handlebars as the ones on the bike were looking 45 years old and very sloppy. Purchased a set for both sides off ebay and took to mechanic where bike was having carbs sorted out. Left side fitted perfectly and looks awesome... problem is right hand side does not fit as the throttle cables for my bike exit from the top of the switch and the holes in the new switch is at the bottom? Also noticed that the new switches don't have a headlight off/park/on switch like the existing one does.

Question is how hard would it be to rotate the throttle so the cables exit from the bottom so I can use the new switch? I emailed the supplier and he only has switches with holes at bottom... any ideas?

Re: Switches for Right Hand side

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:37 am
by daves79x
You have the sport kit throttle housing on your bike and replacements for those are hard to find and big bucks. Clean up yours the best you can. You can't use the replacement you bought even with the proper cables. It will hit the tank.

The US versions of all those switches had no provision for turning off the headlight. You can buy a sport kit switch for some other model Honda from the non-US market and it will have that feature, but you'll have to adapt the wiring. I have no idea what you'd pay for an NOS Euro-style switch for the CBX, but Louis is getting $400-plus dollars for NOS US-style sport kit switches.

No free lunch when dealing with sport kit parts.


Re: Switches for Right Hand side

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:58 pm
by rheboi
Not that I doubt you dave but how does it fit on other bikes without hitting the tank? Confused...

Re: Switches for Right Hand side

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 10:04 pm
by rheboi
Looking at some pictures of CBX's on this site I see some have a much higher handlebar than fitted on mine... is the lower bars part of this "sport kit?" I like the idea of the higher bars... might look into getting some if I can find them....

Re: Switches for Right Hand side

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:42 am
by daves79x
Your version of the CBX came with the 'sport kit' from the factory. Low bars, rear sets etc. It was available in kit form here in the US. Highly sought after actually and can go for $1000-$1500. If you convert, it takes the high bars and all cables, the switch housings you got new, and different footplates, including the shifter as well as a bunch of little parts. Be happy to put a US-spec kit together for a trade!


Re: Switches for Right Hand side

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:51 am
by rheboi
I understand now... if I put the high bars on the cables wouldn't reach the bars anymore.... probably leave as is then... just wanted a r/h side switch to replace the tatty worn one... looks a bit odd with a new one on the left and an old one on the right. The L/H side was basically falling apart, a huge chunk around the indicator switch was missing meaning the indicator lever was flapping around...