Will I Ever Learn...

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Will I Ever Learn...

Post by Spooky#1 »

Is there a way to check the condition of a maintenance free battery using a multimeter? I don't mean checking the voltage output but the condition of the storage cells themselves?
In early March I had an opportunity to spend a Sunday riding when my grand daughter went with an aunt for the day but it turned out the battery was too worn out to risk so I was forced to get one from the auto parts store. I spent the extra money for a maintenance free one hoping it would be better quality than the lead acid junk they stock. Up until a day ago I thought the investment had payed off until I noticed the volt gauge wouldn't go past 12.8 and at stops the needle would drop well below the line. There are several reasons that could account for that but I'm betting the battery is failing based on past experience. The last two acted similarly when they were losing the ability to take a charge and also took several minutes or miles before the volt gauge would finally engage and show a charge. A good battery should maintain a near 12 volt reading even at a stop with brake engaged and turn signal on but along with the 12.8 reading I'm now experiencing at stops the needle drops well below the line. I'm ordering a Yuasa maintenance free battery today as well as new alternator brushes and will disconnect and clean the contacts on the voltage regulator even though after a ride the connectors aren't the least bit warm. I'm betting the brushes still have meat on them but it never hurts to change them out a little early and I'm also betting that the new Yuasa will get things back where they were. I see that Yuasa is now producing batteries here in the 'States so I'm getting one from this link http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-YUASA-UTX20 ... 8c&vxp=mtr unless someone here has information that might dissuade me.

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