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Honda keys and aftermarket ignition switches

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:22 pm
by barryadam
I bought a new EMGO ignition switch assembly for my 1979 CBX project and am trying to figure out if the EMGO key style can be made to fit the Honda tumblers on the tank latch and the helmet holder.

The Honda tumblers on the tank latch and helmet holder use the standard Honda key style (hope you don't mind, Kerry, I jacked your image):


you can see the "recessed slot" is on the bottom in this photo.

The EMGO ignition key has the recessed slot on the top side, and won't slide into the Honda tumblers.

I'd rather not try to rebuild the old Honda ignition switch just to try and use the key, as the top cover and the key slot door are in rough shape. Besides, I think the P.O. used the original ignition switch lock to break off the frame tab when he lost his original key!
I have not had good luck with locksmiths nor Honda dealers that cut keys, so turning a new ignition switch or Honda tumblers over to them to customize is not preferable.
I realize EMGO makes two variations of the CBX ignition switch, but I assume they use a common key style.

Does the 1981/82 Honda CBX use the same original style Honda key as the 1979/1980? Or are they like the EMGO key with the recessed slot on the opposite side?
Anyone have an EMGO switch and NOT have to use separate keys for the other locks?


Re: Honda keys and aftermarket ignition switches

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:22 pm
by Duffey Lake rd.
I have the same problem.
Bill at Tim's CBX told me to just remove the tumblers on the tank and tailpiece, so now you can use the new ignition key to open all three.